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The distribution process

Regardless of your career level, Eferiums Music helps you. Sell your music worldwide, in stores like Spotify, Tidal, or Apple Music. Create a free account, upload the necessary files, and select the platforms where your music will be distributed. Automatic processes for revenue collecting data are used for your downloads and streams of profits. You keep 100% of the rights to your music, and we do not charge a fee for it.

What do we offer?

Official partner

We have signed directly with the most important streaming platforms in the market.

No lock-in

You are free to join and leave whenever you want to. It's your choice.

100% ownership

You keep ownership of all of your content at all times. We don't claim anything.

Full transparency

We make all revenues visible in your Eferiums Account so that nothing is hidden.


We deliver not only to the largest music platforms and stores in Europe and America, but we also provide distribution to DSPs in Asia.

Our download and
streaming partners

We distribute your music to every download and streaming portal on the planet. This way, we guarantee that your fans can find your songs all over the world.
# JOIN # 200 DSPs.


012432 Bucharest (Romania)

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